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Big Dreams, Summer Fun!

Well, it's Summer. Actually, we're almost halfway in. Remember when you were a kid and you couldn't wait until summertime where you could sleep in and stay up late? Where your adventures were only limited to what your brain could concoct. Things changed at some point from childhood to adulthood, at least for me. Working seems to take a huge chunk of my day, then there's getting home, eating something for dinner and catching up with my wife, Sadie(author name!), then hitting the pavement as we walk away more weight and try to regain some lifeforce that we hid away in our covid weight we put on!

We have done a few things here and there. Writing is still at the forefront of what we do on our time off. We've also gone to K.C to see family, gone hiking. The first time we went was horrible, but we made it. The second time was better, but being at a different place with more hikers made a difference. We've also gone to a few coffee shops to write. My biggest challenge was what I should work on. I have a ton of manuscripts and not enough time to work on them. I pretty much let the manuscript choose me though when it comes time to actually write.

So, what about your dreams? Your summer fun? Do you have plans? Any getaways coming up? Make them count no matter what you do! Make the kind of memories that will last and someday when you are old and grey, you can look backon the stories of your life and smile!

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