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Et tamen non silebo

You're probably wondering- "What does the title mean?' Well, in means- be silent, be still. In this world we live in and its current state of affairs, shouldn't we have a little less noise in our lives? I'm not saying go completely dark, but maybe avoid the noisy parts of your life for a while. I know it's hard to not get sucked up into the rumor mill at the water cooler or trolling through the various social media sites looking for juicey deeds done dirt cheap, but you can do it!

Another area that it's good to be silent is when other people are talking. I used to and probably still have the bad habit of talking over other people, especially when one of my kids is talking. I also have a habit of "trumping" other people and what they are trying to say. Let them have the moment, unless what they are saying is so unbelievable, then call them out, but most people just want or need to talk or at best, vent. I know I sometimes I just want to blow some steam off.

On the flipside, being still is a term that is used in meditation. On occasion, I put on whatever music calling to me to "be still" and I slide on my headphones and close my eyes and listen to the music. Fun fact- this past year or so an old building was bought and turned into a Buddhist temple. Now, I live in the mid-west and you don't see many Buddhist temples, so when I saw this building, I got off of the main thorough fair and drove around the temple. It looks like most buildings of that era, minus the Buddhist decorations. I have on my list of things to do to go there, at a minimum, check out there Facebook page and see if they have any events coming up that might be worth going to. It's good to see through the eyes of another person from time to time; it gives you a little perspective.

Well, I think I'll end this blog here, but try to remember, sometimes the sweetest words aren't ones you hear spoken by someone, but rather words that are floating on the winds blowing through the highest of trees!

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