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Written in the Stars

How many of you have significant others? Even dating counts. Have you or your spouse ever had moments of doubt or conversations like the following: "I don't know why you are with me or why you love me!" A couple of years ago, I heard an analogy about being with that special someone and feeling like they are the "one". My wife was feeling a bit down one time and I was suddenly flooded with that analogy, so I shared it with her and if you know someone that needs to hear it, share it with them as well. I will mention that I've added a little to the analogy to bring home a greater understanding, a greater importance of taking care and also loving your spouse.

Long before you and I were even a thought in our parent's eyes, God knew we were to be together, but while in Heaven, and as the plan was being explained to me, I asked God about being with someone on Earth and not wanting to lonely. He responded back to me by saying- "I know exactly what you need!" He said and then smiled. I watched as He reached up into the stars and grabbed the most beautiful lights and combined them with His own spirit, His own energy, He added tears from His own eyes, and then finally, He came to me and took from me just a small part of my spiritual essence and put it with the other things He had gathered. He molded and shaped into existence the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. He turned to me and explained what He had done. "My son, I have created for you a mate that will bring you happiness beyond measure, she will shine brighter than the stars in the heavens, so that if you should ever lose your way, she will be your beacon in life. She will have strength enough, so that if you are no longer able to, she will carry your load while you rest. She, will be your everything."

"But Father, how will I return all of that to her, just as she has given all of that to me?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled, then said- "Because I have put within you those very same things. I have given you the strength to uplift, the heart to love, and the soul to shield her from all things that could harm her." I knew then that the Father had given me a precious gift and when I left me seat in His Heavenly court, I flew to Earth as fast as I could to join the body that I was to have and then one day meet my wife.

Now, here's where things get really personal for me- about 25 years ago, I was laying in bed one night, restless and unable to go to sleep. So, I did what any lonely guy would do, I started talking to myself, or more so the ceiling. I said- "God, who do you have for me? Who am I supposed to be with?" It wasn't even a second or two later when I heard a voice plain as day come to me- "It will be someone from your past." I said back- "You're going to have to narrow that down a little." There was no reply, but a few months later, my wife came into my life again, but the problem was that she was already married. Little did I know her marriage was failing. She was in a lonely, abusive, soul sucking relationship with a guy that had no business being in a relationship or even comprehended how to be a husband. Did I though at 24? No, not really, but something brought us together. Someone, had already prepared her for me, I just needed to wait. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is Psalms 46:10, or actually just the first two words- "Be still..." Those two words have meant so much to mean and say so much- Be. Still. Close yourself off to the world. Close your mouth. Close your mind and Be Still. When you are able to set yourself apart from the noise of the area around you and listen to the sound of your own beating heart, you will at some point find your center of the universe. Once you have centered yourself, you will be able to focus again on the things around you.

Do this and I promise you, things will be better.

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