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Two roads, one choice

If you have ever heard of the Robert Frost poem about the two roads, then you know the various meanings behind the poem. For some of you, you might be the type of person that doesn't see how that poem could possibly have any meaning in your life, but you know what, it should and probably does.

We all have choices to make, paths to travel. We don't often know which path to take. Is the one on the left easier? Are there pitfalls or traps? All you can do is try to make good choices along the way. Life, is like that. Do I take this job or that job. Date that person or the other person. Red pill or blue pill. Try to make the best informed decision you can and just go. Adapt the best you can when things get tough, but enjoy the moments when you are able to bask in the sunshine.

One path I often get stuck on is which manuscript to work on. Each has their own voice, there own road I must travel down, which often makes writing harder because I start to wonder if I should have worked on the other manuscript instead. There isn't anything or anyone that says you can't work on more than one in a sitting. Heck, two weeks ago I worked on two in the spam of three or four hours. So, there ya go!

Just remember, when it comes to the road you're on, you make the rules as you are moving along! Now go get 'em!

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